Wednesday, April 20, 2011

inspired by getty villa

The Getty Villa is most famous for the well-preserved statues in its antiquities collection, but I found the glasswork the most inspiring. Can you believe this stuff has existed for over a thousand years??
getty villagetty villa
I love this Lotus Bud Beaker and the shimmery oily finish of the vase on top. I'm going to try this with clay, and I think the porcelain will give enough to get the lotus bud print. Or maybe get into some glass blowing?
getty villagetty villa
Also loving the leaf/sea urchin print on the blue vase up front. And the fishy!

Here's some pottery I liked.
getty villa
I'm not sure how the pattern is drawn on, but I'd like to try that too. Maybe draw it on with wax and dip the piece in glaze? Or paint underglaze while still green and scrape it off before the bisque fire?
getty villa

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